#Olympicmoms Brain Insight #4

Monday, February 10, 2014


Your brain and children's brains thrive when it has the nutrition it needs! 

#Olympicmoms - braininsights.blogspot.comI just enjoyed a "Nutty Monkey" with blueberries added! This is my favorite! It is from a fantastic place I so enjoy going to called, The Raw Deal. It is focused on providing the types of foods that are most healthy for brains!  

It is also fun because it is located in the city where I went to college. If you are near by or passing through you are going to want to stop in here and find your own favorite. 


If you are not nearby, all of you #Olympicmoms and #Olympicdads can also create this great smoothy for your family. It simply combines: Almond milk, a banana, dates and blueberries. Such an easy and delicious way to get nutrition for your brain!

#Olympicmoms - braininsights.blogspot.com


In this post, Brighter Brains Result From Good Nutrition, I shared the following: 

"When presenting I am frequently told by audiences, that many school breakfast programs are comprised of sugary cereals and sugary juices. This is completely the opposite of what the brain needs....Especially for breakfast! When eating these types of foods without adequate amounts of protein, the brain does not have the nutrients to function well. It is not fair to a child to be expected to listen, sit still, pay attention and learn, if their brain is not given what is needed to help make all of this happen."
Read more and get a printable here

#Olympicmoms - braininsights.blogspot.com

Hopefully you are really enjoying all that is being shared by #Olympicmoms!!  Following are all of the contributors and ways you can access all they are providing for you and your family!


Sue Atkins is a Parenting Expert and the author of Parenting Made Easy

Gill Connell  is a Mum, Grandmum, Teacher, International Lecturer, Author and Consultant and founder of Moving Smart movingsmartblog.blogspot.com @movingsmart  www.facebook.com/movingsmart www.pinterest.com/movingsmartnow/moving-smart

Amanda Frolich an expert in childhood physical development and the founder of Amanda's Action Club www.amandasactionclub.co.uk @actionamanda www.facebook.com/amandas action club

Annie Fox, M.Ed., is an internationally respected parenting expert, family coach and trusted online adviser for teens  www.anniefox.com  @Annie_Fox facebook.com/AnnieFox.author http://www.pinterest.com/annielfox www.youtube.com/user/AnnieLFox

Aviva Goldfarb is a family dinner expert and founder of The Six O'Clock Scramble, an online dinner planning solution for busy parents. www.thescramble.com @sixoclockscramble www.facebook.com/thessixoclockscramble/AvivaGoldfarb  www.pinterest.com/thescramble

Lynne Kenney is a mom of two, a pediatric psychologist, international speaker, author and media host www.lynnekenney.com @drlynnekenney www.facebook.com/DrLynneKenney  www.pinterest.com/lynnekenney www.youtube.com/LynneKenney

Sally Kuzemchak, MS, RD is a Registered Dietician, Mom and Fouder of Real Mom Nutrition www.realmomnutrition.com @RMNutrition www.facebook.com/realmomnutrition  www.pinterest.com/RMNutrition

Lori Lite is the founder of Stress Free Kids, author of Stress Free Kids: A Parent's Guide, www.StressFreeKids.com  @StressFreeKids on twitter.com/StressFreeKids, www.facebook.com/stressfreekids, www.pinterest.com/stressfreekids

Kelly Loubet is a Social Media Strategist and Community Builder


Amy Valpone is a Personal Chef and Marketing Consultant specializing in simple Gluten Free ‘clean’ recipes thehealthyapple.com @TheHealthyApple www.facebook.com/TheHealthyApple.com www.pinterest.com/thehealthyapple  

Christy Wilson is a Registered Dietitian, Mom and Nutrition Consultant specializing in recipes families love ChristyWilsonNutrition.com @ChristysChomp www.instagram.com/christywil74 www.pinterest.com/christywilsonrd

Wendy Young is a Licensed Medical Social Worker, Founder of Kidlutions and co-author of BLOOM www.kidlutions.com @kidlutions www.pinterest.com/kidlutions/ www.facebook.com/kidlution www.youtube.com/user/Kidlutions

#olympicmoms http://www.lynnekenney.com/

If you haven't already.... go to  Olympicmoms for LOTS more!!!


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