So the BRAIN Insight to share this week is very simple.... but is very important for creating the much needed awareness. Let's create the following statistic - "100% of parents know that play is the best way to help a child learn."
Have you sent in your nomination?
There are many terrific programs and agencies already nominated from all over the world! I invite you to nominate programs, schools, organizations, or agencies that would benefit from a donated brain activity packet in either English or Spanish.
The winner for the donation from Week #9 is below!
Following is the Week #10 BRAIN insight to share:
Brains Require All Investing Now
A BRAIN Insight to share ~ Week #10
Healthy brains are developed through play!
To share this brain fact just cut and paste or use the the share button!
- You can simply post the insight on social network sites
- You can also include the fact in organizational literature or newsletters, add to your signature on your e-mail, post on a bulletin board and implement it into what you do each week.
- Additionally each week, e-mail the BRAIN Insight to 5 people you know. Encourage each person to share it with 5 people they know. If each person shares with 5 people each week... we will finally have EVERYONE knowing this incredibly important information!
Spreading Brain Development Even Further .... Click here to send the name of a program, agency, school, organization or business that will benefit from a brain development packet. I will draw a name and donate a brain activity packet
in the name of the person making the recommendation each week!!
The WINNER for WEEK #9:
Cross Trainers Academy ~ Milwaukee Rescue Mission, Milwaukee, WI
A brain development packet for the age of their choice will be donated in the name of : Jan Whittow