Anyone that has heard me present knows how I emphasize the critical importance of attachment. This is an essential aspect of optimal brain development. As I often point out, it not only affects social/emotional development, behavior, and relationships, it also has an impact on cognitive development.
The body and the brain will not grow if there is an absence of touch. Through consistent and loving interactions, valuable connections will be made in the baby’s brain. The feeling of security and predictability that the child learns through these interactions leads to an emotionally healthy child.
With my first granddaughter’s birth only a few weeks away I am looking forward to observing the secure attachment she will have with my daughter and son-in-law. They have a birth plan to have skin to skin time, also called Kangaroo Care, with her right after birth.
Yesterday I became aware of a wonderful
post , written by Danielle Elwood, on
Momotics. This
blog post very clearly shares the value of this important and special time. As a result I just had to share this wonderful
post. Enjoy and share with others. As Danielle states it is important that this is practiced in all hospitals. Spread the word!