Monday, January 20, 2014

Creating Great Connections

The January 2014 
Included in this issue is information, inspiration and resources toward making this the year brain development becomes common knowledge and implemented... because the children deserve it!
Below I share my new year thoughts. I invite you to read and share the full newsletter. Hopefully you and the children you touch in your life benefit from all that is shared! 

 Creating Great Connections January 2014

The new year brings to us the excitement of the feeling of a fresh start! This renewed energy gives us a positive outlook with the hope that things will be different... and better!

As those of you that have been following Brain Insights since it started in 2008 know, each new year my dream is for this to be the year early brain development becomes common knowledge.This year is certainly no different, those passionate hopes continue into 2014!

However, one thing is different for me this year. I lost my father on Christmas Eve. Normally, personal life impacts are not something shared here but I am making an exception. My father was someone who enjoyed nothing better than seeing evidence of the world becoming a better place through people being kind and caring for one another. He cared about people and so enjoyed encouraging people at a very individual level.

A common statement my father would make is, "There are no supposed tos". This reflected that he felt very strongly that we each need to follow our individual hearts and minds, not follow the norm, and not worry about what others think about what we feel is right to do. I share this, because I plan to use inspiration from my father to create NEW and different ways of making positive early brain development commonly understood and implemented. He will be smiling brightly as each and every child develops to be the extraordinary individual they have the potential to become.

With an ineffable feeling of excitement that I almost can not contain, I look forward to the caring connections we will make to finally create a world of difference. With this in mind, NEW projects are in development. I am EXTREMELY anxious to share these with you as soon as possible.

ne of these projects is anticipated be released VERY soon! It is something in which you, being a person that really cares, are going to want to be a part. The thrilling thing about it is, it takes the dream beyond hope. It provides specific and easy ways we can each make a difference everyday!
A special edition newsletter will be sent with this announcement!

Additionally, there are several NEW things that are already available, that I share for your benefit throughout this newsletter.  I hope you enjoy all that is provided!
Let's ALL continue to share and enlighten all adults until EVERY child gets the learning environments and relationships they deserve!
Filled with inspiration, 



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