Wednesday, October 13, 2010

BRAIN FACT: Children Need To Have Hands On Activities For Optimal Brain Development

Children need to have hands on activities with real objects for optimal brain development and real learning.  The National Scientific Council on the Developing Child reports:
“Although a varied array of experiences clearly stimulates learning in the preschool years, promotional statements about the superior brain building impacts of expensive “educational” toys and videos for infants and toddlers have no scientific support.”
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1 comment:

  1. I would add that in addition to 'hands on', experiences that include an engaged, interested adult are optimum. If the adult is tuned in to the child, he can step back and let the child do something "by herself", while being available to assist, as needed. And as important as assisting is the engaged dialog that takes place between an interested, "attached" adult and the child. This is where 'nurtured' learning takes place, the kind that produces lasting value.
