Monday, October 29, 2012

BRAIN INSIGHTS TO SHARE: Loving Relationships Are Critically Important In Many Ways

Brain Insights to share: Printable #7 Self regulation is developed through early positive interactions.
Far to often it is thought that loving relationships only impact the emotional development of children. And further, there is frequently the belief that the emotional development of children is not as important as cognitive development. 

The understanding that is critically needed however is that early relationships impact overall brain development. It is extremely beneficial that everyone understands that when a child experiences nurturing, stimulating and predictable interactions early in life, this leads to the necessary ability to self regulate.   

Printable #7 shares some of the valuable results that occur when self regulation is developed through early positive interactions.

Printable #7

This excellent video Executive Function: Skills for Life and Learning from Center on the Developing Child also clearly explains the development of these critical skills.

 Have enjoyable week sharing this 
important information!